Run leader guidelines

The below is a guide or set of standards we follow, with the aim of getting each group back safely while living our values of fun, friends & fitness.

Preparation for the run

  • Ensure you have a First Aid Kit
  • Review the course prior to the day of the run and know the locations of the water, etc
  • Ensure the course is saved on your device (watch or phone)
  • Know locations of tricky turns and technical sections
  • Access to the list of runners on Facebook poll and check that everyone is there at the split
  • Note: Groups over 10 runners have an identified assistant leader
  • Identify any potential hazards and issues e.g. slippery sections, heat, hard to identify turns

New Runners

5-10 minutes prior to start, call out for any First Timers then discuss

  • How we run each group
  • What happens mid run (stop at intersections, stay within sight of your leader)
  • Check that the new runner(s) are suitably equipped for the run.

At the start

  1. Welcome everyone
  2. Introduce new runners
  3. Share any relevant updates e.g. DTR plans / social activities
  4. Introduce each run leader
  5. Any OH&S e.g. slippery today or it is very hot etc.
  6. Any news people would like to share

Group Split - about 3-4k into the run

  • We will normally take a group photo
  • Bring the run leaders to the front
  • Ask if any new runners would like a buddy
  • The groups head off one at a time super sweaty 1st etc..

During the run

  • If over 10 runners: 1 leader at front, 1 leader sweeping
  • Count the number of runners as early into the run as possible and count again at each stop regroup point
  • Check in with the group to make sure everyone is travelling okay and not just saying they are okay
  • Be alert and listen for feedback or injury concerns

After the run